“Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches“.
Apostle Paul, Galations 6:6
Mannix Library
Mannix Library’s mission is first to serve the staff and students of the Catholic Theological College. Mannix Library is proud to partner with the University of Divinity (UD), providing access to a range of digital resources and guides through the Library Hub.
Mannix Library staff provide support to other libraries within the Library Hub system, making us leaders in library technology.
The library had different campuses at Werribee and Glen Waverley until Catholic Theological College was established in 1972 and relocated to Clayton. In 1999, Catholic Theological College moved to East Melbourne and the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne assumed responsibility for funding the library, which was subsequently renamed “Mannix Library”
University of Divinity
The UD is an overarching body of theological colleges from a range of denominations, theological convictions and locations around Australia. The Library Hub is a service which is provided to colleges within the UD system.
Our collections

Main Collection
Mannix library has a large range of theological, historical, philosophical and religious works which are available for loan for members of the library.
Print Journals and Reference Materials
We have an excellent range of print journals that you can read in the library. You can also use our reference materials within the library.
Special Collections
Mannix Library houses a large collections of rare and beautiful books, collections, art and artifacts of religious, theological, literary and philosophical value.
Find out more about our Special Collections.
Visit us
278 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
email: mannixlibrary@ctc.edu.au
Ph:61+3 9412 3350
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